avocado_golang package


avocado_golang.runner module

class avocado_golang.runner.GolangRunner(runnable)

Bases: avocado.core.nrunner.BaseRunner

Runner for Golang tests.

When creating the Runnable, use the following attributes:

  • kind: should be ‘golang’;

  • uri: module name and optionally a test method name, separated by colon;

  • args: not used

  • kwargs: not used


runnable = Runnable(kind=’golang’,



Runner main method

Yields dictionary as output, containing status as well as relevant information concerning the results.

class avocado_golang.runner.RunnerApp(echo=<built-in function print>, prog=None, description=None)

Bases: avocado.core.nrunner.BaseRunnerApp

PROG_DESCRIPTION = 'nrunner application for golang tests'

The description of the command line application given to the command line parser

PROG_NAME = 'avocado-runner-golang'

The name of the command line application given to the command line parser

RUNNABLE_KINDS_CAPABLE = {'golang': <class 'avocado_golang.runner.GolangRunner'>}

The types of runnables that this runner can handle. Dictionary key is a name, and value is a class that inherits from BaseRunner


Module contents

Plugin to run Golang tests in Avocado

class avocado_golang.GolangCLI

Bases: avocado.core.plugin_interfaces.CLI

Run Golang tests


Configures the command line parser with options specific to this plugin.

description = "Golang options for 'run' subcommand"
name = 'golang'

Execute any action the plugin intends.

Example of action may include activating a special features upon finding that the requested command line options were set by the user.

Note: this plugin class is not intended for adding new commands, for that please use CLICmd.

class avocado_golang.GolangLoader(config, extra_params)

Bases: avocado.core.loader.TestLoader

Golang loader class

discover(reference, which_tests=DiscoverMode.DEFAULT)

Discover (possible) tests from an reference.

  • reference (str) – the reference to be inspected.

  • which_tests (DiscoverMode) – Limit tests to be displayed


a list of test matching the reference as params.

static get_decorator_mapping()

Get label mapping for display in test listing.


Dict {TestClass: decorator function}

static get_type_label_mapping()

Get label mapping for display in test listing.


Dict {TestClass: ‘TEST_LABEL_STRING’}

name = 'golang'
class avocado_golang.GolangResolver(config=None)

Bases: avocado.core.plugin_interfaces.Resolver

description = 'Test resolver for Go language tests'
name = 'golang'
static resolve(reference)

Resolves the given reference into a reference resolution.


reference (str) – a specification that can eventually be resolved into a test (in the form of a avocado.core.nrunner.Runnable)


the result of the resolution process, containing the success, failure or error, along with zero or more avocado.core.nrunner.Runnable objects

Return type


class avocado_golang.GolangTest(name, params=None, base_logdir=None, job=None, subtest=None, executable=None)

Bases: avocado.core.test.SimpleTest

Run a Golang Test command as a SIMPLE test.

Initializes the test.

  • methodName – Name of the main method to run. For the sake of compatibility with the original unittest class, you should not set this.

  • name (avocado.core.test.TestID) – Pretty name of the test name. For normal tests, written with the avocado API, this should not be set. This is reserved for internal Avocado use, such as when running random executables as tests.

  • base_logdir – Directory where test logs should go. If None provided a temporary directory will be created.

  • config (dict) – the job configuration, usually set by command line options and argument parsing

property filename

Returns the path of the golang test suite.


Create the Golang command and execute it.

class avocado_golang.NotGolangTest

Bases: object

Not a golang test (for reporting purposes)

avocado_golang.find_files(path, recursive=True)